Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Felling Normal. 25 days after POSE

I forget that I have done the surgery.
I don't feel any difference than before .
Eating normal foods, have no problem with the stomach at all .
The ONLY thing I notice is that I can't eat as much as before.
I also notice that my sugar addiction is gone, but to be honest I thank the 2 weeks of only fluid foods for that.

On the other hand I would not have been able to do that fluid food weeks without the surgery.

I needed a good diet and I really don't like the Spanish food  list recommendations .
I have decided to do the Weight Watcher smart points system.
Now they have changed their program and are more aware of that sugar is not good for the body and the protein part of the program is in focus.

I can't eat all the Smart points as that would be to much food for me. (if I wouldn't eat candy for it all off course) then even I would be hungry.

What I ate today:

Breakfast: 200 cottage cheese low fat with berries.

Snack: Banana and berries

Lunch: Home made tomato soup with 100 grams of Turkey breast.

Snack: 3 thin crisp breads with low fat cheese.

Dinner: Soup

Evening snack : Greek yoghurt 0% and a sinful Swedish saffron bun.

Coffee and a lot of water during the day.

This morning I weighed myself .
25 days after POSE.

Weight before POSE: 103 kg
Weight today : 97.0 kg

I was too happy as I honestly was a bit worried . I feel like normal and ear normal.

I will see if I have time for some After pictures this weekend.

On Monday 21/12  I go to Sweden to celebrate Christmas.


Saturday, December 5, 2015


Started to eat real foods.
Small portions.

Stomach is working fine so no problems and no pain.

Due to the fact that I feel so normal , I am sooooo scared that I won't lose any more weight
or even gain weight.

I follow the weight watchers diet, with points, so that I have som control.
I can't eat as much as you are supposed to off course, and I still don't eat sallads and and raw veggies as you need to wait until after week for to start with that. Then I think It will be easier.

Now its mostly soups and soft mushy foods.

If I just still lose weight I am ok with this as its quite easy.

Lets see at the weigh in next week.


Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Day 12 after POSE- Progress photos.

Hm, I am not sure that I can see any difference ?? Can you ?

Well is ONLY the start.
 Next progress photos will be posted the 19th of December, before my Christmas travels.

So the stats today are:

Age : 47
Weight before Pose: 103 kg ( 20th of November -15 )
Height: 176 cm

Before photo 20th of November 2015 (it says September, but weight was the same November)
103 kg

Add caption

1st Progress Photo 1st of December 2015
12 Days after POSE
Weight: 99.0 kg

Monday, November 30, 2015

Day 11 after POSE.

Back home after my vacation,and still feeling great.

I will continue with my liquid diet 4 days more but will start to add very soft
food 1 time a day.
Today For Lunch I had 200 grams of Low Fat Cottage Cheese.
Added some cinnamon and sweetener for the taste (Stevia).

IT WAS SO GOOD and 2 hours after I still feel full and happy.

Just 1 more day and I will post my first progress photos after POSE.


Feeling happy !

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Update Day 9 after POSE

I am feeling Great.

I feel like normal, like nothing happened.
That makes me a bit worried.

I am still doing my liquid diet, but the feeling of hunger is slowly getting
more intense .
For example when I go in to a supermarket, I keep thinking that a little bit of that or a little bit of that
wouldn't hurt. I don't like that feeling. I had to go out and let my daughter do the shopping.

I am going to succeed this time with my weight loss. I am NOT going to fail.
But since I feel so normal I am really scared.

Anyways , I was strong . went home to my Soup and a yoghurt before bed and I was satisfied and not hungry.

Another thing that I worry about is that I actually can drink quite a lot of fluids. 0.5 litres with no problem until I feel full.

So ..... a whole lot of " worries" today, but I still think that without the surgery , I would NEVER have been able to do a liquid diet at all , without ending it day 1 or 2 , cheating a lot or dying of hunger.....

2 days more than I go home from my weekend trip .
Back to work and routines. I think that will be easier.

A picture from Manchester Christmas markets. Nice visit.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

First check up after POSE

Well.... I wouldnt Call it a check up.
In and out in 4 minutes.

Is this what I had to pay 1400 euros extra for???!!!
4 min 2 times a month !?!!?
I surely hope not.

Weigh in. 24/11-15: 99.6 kg
That is - 3.4 kg.

BUT offcourse , my bowels are empty due to the liquid diet.

Its from today the REAL weightloss will start.

Now I am travelling for a few days but will update If anynew feelings.

Next Tuesday I will post my first progress photo.


Monday, November 23, 2015

Day 3 after Pose.

Good morning !

Feeling great , feeling slim.

However some gas are troubling me as my system still has not started to work properly after surgery.

When there is to much gas in the stomach It hurts quite bad, but passes in 20-30 seconds.

3 days of liquid diet - and I think I already lost a few pounds.
Well....to be honest even without the surgery a person would loose weight with a liquid diet.
BUT...it would be sooooo hard to follow through and me personally would be so hungry all the time .
I would probably have failed by the end of day 1.
With the surgery it has not been a problem. No hunger. If any just a sip of water makes me full again for an hour.


Yesterday evening by the Tv, I did feel a tiny bit of cravings.
I think that my mind connects - tv-sofa-sunday evening- with chocolate , biscuits and bad food.
I had a fat free yoghurt and was full and the cravings went away.

This morning I don't feel any hunger at all. Having a hard time drinking my coffee even.
But I believe its the "gas problem"....The stomach feels quite extended of air.
