Monday, November 30, 2015

Day 11 after POSE.

Back home after my vacation,and still feeling great.

I will continue with my liquid diet 4 days more but will start to add very soft
food 1 time a day.
Today For Lunch I had 200 grams of Low Fat Cottage Cheese.
Added some cinnamon and sweetener for the taste (Stevia).

IT WAS SO GOOD and 2 hours after I still feel full and happy.

Just 1 more day and I will post my first progress photos after POSE.


Feeling happy !

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Update Day 9 after POSE

I am feeling Great.

I feel like normal, like nothing happened.
That makes me a bit worried.

I am still doing my liquid diet, but the feeling of hunger is slowly getting
more intense .
For example when I go in to a supermarket, I keep thinking that a little bit of that or a little bit of that
wouldn't hurt. I don't like that feeling. I had to go out and let my daughter do the shopping.

I am going to succeed this time with my weight loss. I am NOT going to fail.
But since I feel so normal I am really scared.

Anyways , I was strong . went home to my Soup and a yoghurt before bed and I was satisfied and not hungry.

Another thing that I worry about is that I actually can drink quite a lot of fluids. 0.5 litres with no problem until I feel full.

So ..... a whole lot of " worries" today, but I still think that without the surgery , I would NEVER have been able to do a liquid diet at all , without ending it day 1 or 2 , cheating a lot or dying of hunger.....

2 days more than I go home from my weekend trip .
Back to work and routines. I think that will be easier.

A picture from Manchester Christmas markets. Nice visit.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

First check up after POSE

Well.... I wouldnt Call it a check up.
In and out in 4 minutes.

Is this what I had to pay 1400 euros extra for???!!!
4 min 2 times a month !?!!?
I surely hope not.

Weigh in. 24/11-15: 99.6 kg
That is - 3.4 kg.

BUT offcourse , my bowels are empty due to the liquid diet.

Its from today the REAL weightloss will start.

Now I am travelling for a few days but will update If anynew feelings.

Next Tuesday I will post my first progress photo.


Monday, November 23, 2015

Day 3 after Pose.

Good morning !

Feeling great , feeling slim.

However some gas are troubling me as my system still has not started to work properly after surgery.

When there is to much gas in the stomach It hurts quite bad, but passes in 20-30 seconds.

3 days of liquid diet - and I think I already lost a few pounds. be honest even without the surgery a person would loose weight with a liquid diet. would be sooooo hard to follow through and me personally would be so hungry all the time .
I would probably have failed by the end of day 1.
With the surgery it has not been a problem. No hunger. If any just a sip of water makes me full again for an hour.


Yesterday evening by the Tv, I did feel a tiny bit of cravings.
I think that my mind connects - tv-sofa-sunday evening- with chocolate , biscuits and bad food.
I had a fat free yoghurt and was full and the cravings went away.

This morning I don't feel any hunger at all. Having a hard time drinking my coffee even.
But I believe its the "gas problem"....The stomach feels quite extended of air.


Sunday, November 22, 2015

Day 2 after POSE

Woke up with a slight headache.
But after a coffee , Actimel and a chewable multivitamin I think I feel Good.

Feeling Slim, full, and no more pain.
Still some throat irritation but its not to bad.

At the moment I feel very optimistic.

I have a hard time knowing when I am full. I guess that is why I am overweight.
I read somewhere on the internet that If you don't know instead stop eating when you feel a slight pressure at the centre of the upper abdomen. That feeling is fullness ?
Well I don't know if this is true or not, but since I don't know the fullness feeling with my mind, I will try to go for the pressure feeling until I learn to feel full with my mind.

If anyone knows another good tip , please tell me.



Saturday, November 21, 2015

Hungry :-(

I am really hungry and I don't like it.
Finding it hard not to snack.
But sticking to the liquid diet.

Feeling a bit sad about that actually.



Full feeling?

I don't know if I feel full .

I had a cup of broth now, but I have a hard time feeling when I am full.
Is it when the pain starts ?
I don't know , its a bit frustrating.

Ok I know it has not yet been 24hours since the surgery, but I have been wanting this for so long and
just hope I will feel fullness. I don't want this to be a failure.

I don't know if I am hungry or not. I have pain, but if its from Hunger or the scars I don't know....


Hours Post POSE Surgery

Goodmornig, or maybe I should say Goodnight as it is 01:50 am here.

Before surgery at 3:30 pm yesterday I was wheeled into the Op room in a wheelchair.
I got very nervous, not scared , just nervous and my whole body started trembling.
The nurse could not find a vein to put the IV in so after 3 tries on each arm and hands,
the anaesthesiologist steps in and did it.
After that 30 seconds and I was gone.

After surgery 3pm , I woke up at 7pm approx.
Still very groggy and with a little bit nausea  .
However , The Nice anaesthesiologist gave me what he promised
to prevent this. So I am very happy about that . Fell a sleep after a toilet break and woke up
now , having a slight pain in my stomach.
Not a lot. Its more a sensation of having eaten something bad and really bad hunger feeling.
I have been given a glas of water to sip from. Not DRINK, just sip.

I also have a sore throat after the tube . Also not too bad, just annoying.

I am sitting up writing this , but I feel that hurts bit so I will lie down -
I will continue this post a bit later.......

ok now Im back.
And also at home.
Had to periods of pain during the night but it past in half hour or so.
I think it was acid.
Took a Taxi home at 7 am in the morning.
Took a Stomach protector described by my Doctor and some coffee .
Also now at 11am I had to take the pain meds Nolotil.
Feels funny in my tummy , but lets see if I can keep it down and if it helps.
Its not major pain, but enough so I can't sleep.

I am having a small cup of broth before resting.
Oh my ! how nice it tasted after 28 hours of nothing .......


Friday, November 20, 2015

Good morning. Day of Surgery.

I have to admit I am bit nervous and didn't sleep very well.
Woke up several times during the night and suddenly got toothache.
I think I was biting down to hard and had a big tension in my jaws,

Had to get up und take an Ibuprofen for the pain.
I don't know if that is allowed to take before surgery
but without it I wouldn't have been able to sleep at all.

Its 6 am. From 8 am I am not allowed to eat or drink anything.
So at the moment I am having my last coffee and a yoghurt.


I am doing my Surgery in Palma de Mallorca
in Policlinico Quirurgico 14:00

I am posting  a copy of the text in the PDF file below,
where you can see what and  how to eat after POSE Surgery.

The Spanish one I got from my doctors was way worse and really strange recommendations
Like very unnatural " Sugarfree "spanish" jello"  . (Gelatine sabores sin azucares)"
I tasted 1 yesterday and it tasted really chemical.
If I am doing this surgery for a life change . I will try to eat as much natural things after .
Not powdered meals from a bag and gelatine jellos. Very strange recommendations from the
Spanish doctors I think.

However this meal plan from a UK clinic I find much much healthier.
I also have 1 in Swedish that is similar to the english one.

I just don't understand why the Spanish one is so different and with chemical foods ?

The below recommendations are recommended and written by OBESITY CLINIC LONDON

Eating, Exercise and Support after POSE (Primary Obesity Surgery Endolumenal)
The long-term success of your POSE operation is dependent upon you following the dietary recommendations outlined in this leaflet. You will need to eat a balance diet to make sure your body gets all the nourishment it needs. Many people report that the first few months are surgery are difficult. This is not surprising, as you are recovering from surgery as well as having to change your eating habits. We hope this leaflet will give you some guidance and information to make those changes.
 

Drink plenty of water between meals
Making changes through better food choices, increasing exercise and getting necessary follow-up care can help you reach your goals.
Attend the monthly patient support group meetings at Spire Bushey as part of follow-up. Stick to liquids for the first 2 weeks

o Remember, although you feel great, it will take time for your stomach to completely heal! It is very important that you follow the suggested diet plan.
o o
o o
Eat soft/mushy food during week 3-4
Eat slowly! Enjoy your meal; meals should take 20-30 minutes. It takes 20 minutes for the brain to respond, to send you “I’m full” signal.
Use a smaller serving plate for your main meals. It makes it look like you have a big meal!
Try to eat at regular mealtimes. It is best to have a meal breakfast, lunch and dinner. Snacking is not recommended, but if you find yourself not being able to make it to your next meal, stick to suggested snacks given in the back of this leaflet.
Planning meals in advance really helps! Planned meals can keep you on track, especially when you are busy with work and family.
  •   Do not stray from the liquid diet for the first 2 weeks! Your stomach needs time to heal from the POSE procedure.
  •   Do not overeat or drink fizzy drinks – otherwise your stomach will restretch over time!
  •   Follow the calorie guidelines.
  •   Do not eat starchy vegetables such as corn, white potatoes, peas etc. except in small
    amounts and sparingly.
Page 1 of 11

  •   Do not drink soft drinks or alcohol (as these are high in calories and will leave you feeling thirsty and tired within a few hours) – diet juices, herbal teas, skimmed or low-fat milk are healthier alternatives.
  •   Avoid white bread, soft doughy breads, pasta, cream sauces, buttery foods, fast foods, junk food and all fried food – whole wheat tortillas or pita bread, red / white / black beans or steamed vegetables are healthier alternatives.
  •   Do not use sugar or sweeteners with sugar products such as corn syrup, maltose, fructose etc. 

    Step 1: Weeks 1 and 2 – A liquid diet (1200 calories)
    For the first 2 weeks you will need to take liquids only. Solid food can cause pressure on your stitches and stretch your new stomach pouch. This can lead to vomiting and discomfort. The liquid diet will also give the tissue around your sutures time to heal.
    To ensure an adequate intake of protein, calcium and other nutrients, the liquid diet must be based on
    milk. Ideally low fat milk should be chosen, e.g. semi-skimmed or skimmed.
    Suitable fluids
    •   Milk - Aim for at least two pints (1.2L) of milk or a milk alternative a day
    •   Milk can be flavoured with Nesquick or low calorie hot chocolate
    •   Slimming drinks e.g. Slimfast or chemist/supermarket own brand
    •   Complan or Build-up shakes or soups
    •   Yogurt drinks and smoothies
    •   Still mineral water, if taking the flavoured types make sure they are low sugar
    •   Still low-sugar squashes
    •   Smooth soups e.g. cream of tomato or chicken; or oxtail
    •   Tea and coffee without sugar
    •   Unsweetened pure fruit juice
    You will need to drink at least 2L of total liquid per day to make sure you do not become dehydrated. You may need even more if the weather is hot.
    Take things slowly over the first few days until you establish the amount of liquid that can be tolerated. Over the weeks, you will find that you can take more and drink faster.
    •   Start with a couple of sips of fluid and slowly build up the quantity until a sensation of fullness occurs.
    •   It is important to stop drinking as soon as you feel full.
    •   If stomach pain or nausea is experienced while drinking, stop until the feeling passes.
    •   If the quantity of fluid taken is too large the stomach will overfill and vomiting will occur.
    •   DO NOT drink fizzy drinks at any time after POSE as the gases cause bloating and will
      increase your stomach size.

    Multivitamins and Minerals
    Although milk can provide most of the nourishment required, it does not supply all the vitamins and minerals your body needs. There fore, it is essential that you take a daily multivitamin and mineral supplement, which includes iron, whilst you are not eating a normal diet. Ideally this should be in a liquid or chewable form or a solid tablet can be crushed or broken down into small pieces before being taken.
    You will need to continue crushing or taking a liquid version of these tablets for at least 6 months and, ideally, for life.

    Step 2: Weeks 3 and 4 – A soft moist diet (1200 calories)
    After 2 weeks, gradually start introducing foods with a soft moist texture. Foods should be broken into pieces or mashed with a fork. Some people prefer to blend or puree their foods. This is really up to you but not essential. To start with you can only manage a few mouthfuls at each meal but this will increase. To start with try things such as Weetabix with milk or mashed potato with gravy. Remember to stick to small portions and it helps to eat from a side plate.
    Below are suitable foods, to take in small amounts.
    Food suggestions
    1 Weetabix or 1 sachet of instant oats/Ready Brek with low fat milk
    Main courses
    •   Fish in white sauce
    •   Minced meat or chicken in tomato sauce
    •   Tender meat casseroles or stews
    •   Soft pulses with stock/sauce e.g. dhal
    •   Soft omelette/scrambled egg
    •   Macaroni cheese/cauliflower cheese
    •   Fish pie
    •   Cottage pie
    •   Lasagne/cannelloni
    •   Cottage cheese
    Vegetables/ Potatoes
    •   Mashed potato/jacket potato without the skin
    •   Sweet potato
    •   Carrot, broccoli, cauliflower, courgette, swede mashed with a fork
    •   Stewed fruit
    •   Tinned fruit without syrup (not pineapple)
    •   Mashed banana
    •   Low calorie yoghurt/ fromage frais
    •   Low calorie mousse or custard

    Step 3: Week 5 onwards – A protein rich, low calorie diet (1200-1500 calories) + Approved aerobic exercise 3-45 minutes 5x/week
    It is now safe to gradually start experimenting with different textured solid foods. Although food may not need to be blended, it will still need to be tender and chewed well. You will need to chew each mouthful at least 20 times; until the food feels like a puree in your mouth. See suitable options in the table above.
    It is really important to eat 3 meals a day, with suitable small snacks in between, even if you don’t feel hungry. Take your time over your meal; it is likely that it will take about 30minutes. Your portion sizes are now restricted, so your protein intake can fall. It is very important to make sure that you have enough protein in your diet every day. If you do not eat enough, you body will start breaking down your muscles for protein, leaving you feeling very weak. Protein foods are also very good at filling you up for longer. Listed below are good protein sources.
    Examples of good sources of protein
    Aim for 2 to 3 portions a day from a variety of foods.
    •   Skimmed or semi skimmed milk
    •   Add skimmed milk powder to milk & sauces
    •   Low calorie/diet yogurts, yogurt drinks
    •   Low sugar/low fat custard and milky puddings
    •   Low fat cheese & cottage cheese
    Scrambled, omelette, poached
    Lentils, beans (add them to stews & casseroles)
    •   Minced meat in gravy or sauce
    •   Casserole meats
    •   Canned oily fish e.g. tuna, sardines, pilchards
    •   Soft white fish – try it in sauce
    Protein shakes
    •   Build Up soup, Build Up/Complan shakes
    •   Slim fast shakes/smoothies/soups

    Foods that may be difficult to introduce back into your diet
    There are likely to be some foods that you may now have problems introducing back into your diet. The ability to tolerate various foods depends on how well you chew and how you cook and prepare the food. Try a food by eating a very small amount of it, if you can’t tolerate it wait a month and then try it again.
    Fresh Bread
    Toast or crackers
    •   Serve in a generous sauce
    •   Use small shapes
    Certain meats e.g. steak, dry chicken, fried or roast meat, BBQ’s
    •   Small pieces/minced meat
    •   Marinade/slow cook/stew or casserole
    Fibrous vegetables e.g. sweetcorn, celery, raw vegetables, courgette, aubergine
    •   Peel off skins
    •   Cook for a long time
    •   Cauliflower, broccoli, skinned tomato,
    Fruit e.g. oranges, grapefruit
    •   Peel fruit
    •   Puree or stew
    •   Tinned fruit in juice e.g. peaches, pears
    Snack options
    Generally, snacks are not recommended. However, if you feel that you cannot wait until the next meal without eating, then you can choose one of the following:
    •   7 whole wheat crackers
    •   Popcorn, air popped (675g, no
    •   1 small orange
    •   250ml unsweetened apple sauce
    •   1 medium banana
    •   225g cups baby carrots
    •   125ml plain low-fat yogurt
    •   100g low fat cottage cheese
    •   15 grapes
    •   125 ml skimmed milk
    •   2 rice cakes
    •   Low-fat string cheese
    •   100g cooked oatmeal
    •   2tbsp hummus + vegetable to dip
    •   Sugar-free ice lollies

    Important things to remember following POSE
    1. Eat three meals a day
    •   It is really important to establish regular meal patterns
    •   This means eating, breakfast, lunch and an evening meal and 2-3 small snacks a day.
    •   These are eaten not fewer than 3 hours apart and not more than 5 hours apart
    •   Don’t be tempted to miss a meal. Missing meals, leads to snacking on crisps, biscuits
      and chocolates
    •   If done regularly the body doesn’t get the good nutrition it needs
    •   Also the weight loss will stop because of the high calories eaten
    •   Although eating set meals and snacks may feel unusual to you, it is very important and
      gradually over time it will become more automatic and natural.
      2. Do not drink and eat at the same time
      •   Drinking fluids with meals may overfill your small stomach, which will lead to vomiting.
      •   It can also stretch the stomach and “wash” food through too quickly. As a result you will
        not sense the early signs of fullness and may over eat.
      •   Avoid drinking at least 30 minutes before and after each meal.
      •   You will need to drink 8-10 drinks a day in between meals
        3. Chew food well and eat foods slowly.
        •   Take your time over your meal; it is likely that it will take about 30minutes.
        •   It takes this long to ensure you are chewing properly.
        •   If the food isn’t chewed well you may block the outlet of your stomach, which will cause
          pain, discomfort, nausea and vomiting.
        •   Explain to others why you must eat slowly so they don’t rush you.
          4. Pay attention to your body’s signals of fullness.
          •   As soon as you feel full or you feel pressure in the centre of your abdomen stop eating or
          •   If you feel nauseous stop eating. One extra mouthful of food after these early signals
            could lead to pain, discomfort and vomiting.
            5. If you do experience problems try to think back and identify the cause.
    1. Have you eaten too fast or not chewed the food well enough?
    2. Have you eaten too much, taken fluids with the meal or taken fluids too soon before or
      after the meal?
    3. Have you eaten foods that are difficult to digest?
    •   Identifying the cause of your discomfort will help you make the necessary changes the
      next time you eat.
    •   Keeping a food diary may help – a diary was sample provided earlier in this leaflet.

    If you experience regular vomiting seek advice from a member of the obesity team or your GP.
    Advice on constipation
    It is natural to expect some change in the frequency of your bowel habits; this is because the quantity of food you are now eating is considerably smaller than before the operation. Initially you might find your bowels open less frequently i.e. every two or three days, due to the change in your diet. However, by including some of the foods listed below, you bowel movements should become more regular.
    High fibre foods
    •   Whole-wheat breakfast cereals e.g. All Bran, Shredded Wheat, Weetabix, Bran Flakes, porridge oats
    •   Pulses e.g. baked beans, kidney beans, lentils, chick peas
    •   Whole-wheat crackers e.g. Ryvita, wholemeal crispbreads, Jacob’s multigrain
    •   Fruit and vegetables e.g. cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, salad, green beans, pealed fruit,
      tinned fruit in juice
    •   It is also important to drink plenty of fluid between meals. Aim for 8-10 cups/glasses a day
    •   If constipation persists, try taking liquid senna or lactulose or movicol, all of which are available from your local pharmacy.
    •   If this does not help, talk to your GP.
      Follow the rules of healthy eating and regular physical activity
      Your POSE operation is only going to work properly and help you lose weight successfully if you follow a healthy diet, perform regular exercise and attend for your follow-ups.
    •   Your diet needs to be low fat, low calorie and portion controlled
    •   Although your smaller stomach will limit the amount of food that can be eaten, weight
      gain can still occur if high calorie foods are eaten frequently.
    •   Eating larger sized meals or fizzy drinks, will lead to the stomach stretching, which will
      also cause you to slow down on your weight loss
    •   Try to use low calorie sweeteners and low fat spreads.
    •   Limit the amount of sugar and fats eaten.
    •   Alcohol or sugary drinks are best avoided as these are high in calories and stimulates
      your appetite.
    •   Your dietitian will be able to give you more tips and advice on ways to follow a healthy

    •   
    •   Regular physical activity involving arms, torso and legs help develop muscle bulk which in turn helps you burn calories and improve your health – you should aim to exercise for
      30-45 minutes 5x / week.


Thursday, November 19, 2015

Before POSE Pics

So the D-day is getting closer.
Tomorrow at 12 I will Do my POSE Intervention.
I am getting a bit nervous.
Yesterday I was Weighed and measures and did the EKG

Current weight: 103 kg
Hight: 1,76 cm

My bloodwork was ok, but I have high Total Cholesterol .
Hopefully this will change when the weight comes of.

This morning I also had a talk with the Anaesthesiologist .
He promised to give me something stronger than Primperan for the Nausea,
that I normally suffer from after anestesia.

I really hope it will work.

After the surgery tomorrow I will need to have 2 weeks of Liquid diet.
When I read the recommendations , I get a bit scared. Its so little.
Just by thinking about it makes me so hungry. I am afraid I will starve to death.
Hopefully I won't feel that hunger or the Cravings that I am so afraid of.

So Here is my before Picture.

103 kg, 176 cm Pic was taken september 2015 but weight is the same 19/11 2015

I will post new photos regularly so you can follow my results.
If any !? I sure do hope there will be results.

Please God let there be results.

So see you after the surgery .


Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Hi everyone.

I am starting this blog to describe my journey before and after doing the POSE Primary Obesity Surgery Endoluminal.
I am doing the "treatment " Friday the 20th November.
Yesterday I did all the bloodworks and I have my pre op appointment the 18th. 

In this blog I will describe what this surgery (treatment) will do for me.

I have searched the Internet for testimonials from other POSE patients but found only 3 ??!! 
Why is that ? Well here I will write about my experiences and post Pictures , before, during and "after".

First , Please check out this Video to find out more about this treatment and what will happen to me:
